How to respond to negative feedback?

You are born to do good and positive things in your life. External factors force you to develop negative thoughts. How would you respond when negative feedback is received for the genuine good work you did?

Treat your life as a precious gift from God. You are the only one who knows you better, continue doing things in your life. You are the driving force of your life, not those who do not know you well. Know your capabilities and weaknesses. Continue to develop the better side of you. No one is perfect in this world. But everyone expects others to be perfect all the time. Those people find reasons for their imperfections but do not agree that others can also be imperfect.

When people complain there are two sides of their objective. Some people find it difficult for them to achieve the level you are able to progress. They will use a tactic to demotivate you and bring your level down so they can compete with you. This is the most toxic nature you can ever expect from people around you. Some others find your progress an opportunity for them and appreciate you. They will  continue to work on their weaknesses not to match with you but to make them better. These people qualify as your good friends and mostly they talk about both sides of your stories.

You should not be surprised if anyone provides negative feedback on your good works. Your positive mindset and attitude makes you different from them. When you do good things all the time, the world does not understand the effort, dedication, determination, and objectives behind your work. Those people turn to unworthy arguments like the losers make. You should not budge on any of these negative comments. Understand, you are powerful when you receive such feedback from any level of personality. You should take it positively.

What will you do when you receive negative comments? First, listen carefully, understand the meaning of what they are trying to convey. Some people say something but they really mean something else. Some comments may not make sense to you. Ask questions to clarify the meaning of their comments. Consider all those feedbacks as an opportunity for your development. Remember, your enemy is your best critique. Appreciate them for the comments and explanations they give you. Acknowledge your mistakes and apologize for any inconvenience caused to others. Explain your thoughts on those topics when you get a chance. Show your openness for change and accepting improvements. You did what was possible at the time of the incident. Do not underestimate the value of negative feedback and do not take it personal. There is always room for improvement in our life. Each time you will get stronger and unbeatable for one more count.

Failure is the steppingstone, determination and consistent action is the key for success. 

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1 thought on “How to respond to negative feedback?”

  1. Thank you for this great topic,
    It helped me to think about it from a different perspective.

    Negative feedback shouldn’t lower the self-confidence because your self confidence isn’t related to someone else’s opinion of you.
    Helps to identify areas for improvement provides a chance to grow and excel .
    Avoid reacting impulsively, pause and compose yourself before responding.
    Clarify if you’re not clear

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